Friday, November 12, 2004

The story of BOB.

For about five years I lived in a condo complex in Midway City. Bob was owned by a previous tenant. Someone had him declawed, but whomever owned him had moved away and left him living in the outdoors at the complex, eating from the dumpster and from whatever residents fed him. He was constantly chased by kids and dogs and other cats.
One day the entire complex was sold and people started moving out for a massive remodeling. Bob hung around through all those days of pounding and moving, and bit by bit everyone moved away. We were about the last ones to move, and still, there was Bob. He was used to all the neighborhood kids petting him and now he was all alone.
We already had two indoor cats, and had many misgivings about adopting another cat, and turning him into an indoor cat. So after two weeks of driving over to feed Bob, we took him to a vet for a check-up. The vet said he'd never adapt to living indoors again and thought we were crazy to try.
Well, we gave it a go. Bob actually adjusted immediately to the new apt. It was the other two cats that had trouble adjusting to Bob. Wallop stalked him continously.
It took maybe six months, but now everyone is getting along for the most part. Most skirmishes are of a playful nature. Bob has only gotten out once in over a year, and I think that was just out of curiousity. I scooped him up and set him back in the dining room.
We always have to remind people to shut the doors though.

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